A Thrilling Maze of Love, Loss, and Redemption

"Oh My Gods" is not merely a retelling of the Odyssey; it is a vibrant and original work that explores universal themes of love, loss, and redemption. Antigone's quest becomes an intimate exploration of her own heart and soul, as she grapples with the complexities of human relationships and the search for her own place in the world.

A Cast of Gods and Mortals Brought to Life

Stephanie Cooke has masterfully breathed new life into the ancient Greek gods and goddesses, transforming them into relatable and complex characters. Hades, the enigmatic ruler of the underworld, becomes an alluring and enigmatic figure, while Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, emerges as a formidable yet compassionate mentor. Every encounter with these divine beings adds depth and intrigue to Antigone's journey.

A Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation

At its heart, "Oh My Gods" is a story of personal growth and transformation. As Antigone navigates the treacherous path of her obstacles, she peels back the layers of her own identity and discovers a strength and resilience she never imagined. Her journey becomes a metaphor for our own human endeavors, reminding us that the true quest is not just about reaching a destination but the transformative power of the journey itself.